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Course Catalouge

At Apex Academy, we believe in engaging students with the types of tools and digital resources they’re accustomed to in their daily lives. We’ve modernized the delivery of the Ontario curriculum to keep learners curious, motivated, and passionate about the subjects they’re studying.

The choice of courses is entirely up to you. You can select individual courses or take advantage of our course packages, to suits your learning needs.

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Individual Courses

You can select any of our individual courses, ideal if you only need one or two or need to complete a grade level.


Course Packages

Our course packages are designed to support students taking a full-time program. There are several to choose from to suit your grade requirements or areas of interest.   


Tailored Packages

If our course packages do not suit your needs, or you're not sure what is right for you, take advantage of our customized packages. With the help of our admissions team you can create a personalized program just for you. 

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