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Introduction To Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology

Grade 11


Course Code



About the Course

Course Outline

Throughout this course you will explore why humans behave the way they do through a variety of theories, issues, and questions related to anthropology, sociology, and psychology. As you investigate the three social science disciplines, you will develop an understanding of the research process and conduct your own social science research that explores current thinking on a range of issues within the three disciplines.

Prerequisite: Grade 10 English or Grade 10 Canadian History Sice WW1


Module 1 Overview: Introduction To Social Sciences

Guiding Question:What is social science and how is it used to study and understand society?

In this module, you will dive into the study of social science and explore the questions that shapes human nature. Social science is an academic discipline concerned with society, the way people behave, and how they influence the world around us. Think about it, a lot of what you hear about human behaviour is really myth and misconceptions. This module will introduce you to the three disciplines of social science – anthropology, sociology, and psychology – gaining insight into the questions that these disciplines ask about social phenomenon and the research methods social scientists use to investigate these phenomenon. 

Module 2 Overview: Think Like An Anthropologist

Guiding Question:What is anthropology and how is it used to study and understand society, culture, and individuals?

In this module, you will dive into the study of anthropology and explore the discipline in further depth. Anthropology is study of people, both historically and in the present day, using a variety of methods in order to understand human behaviour. This module will deepen your understanding of the big questions that anthropologists investigate such as: What makes us human? How did we get here? How do different cultures experience the world? To answer these questions, you will learn about humans, society, and culture in both cultural anthropology and physical anthropology. 

Module 3 Overview: Think Like A Sociologist

Guiding Question:What is sociology and how is it used to study and understand social interactions, institutions, and societal issues?

In this module, you will dive into the study of sociology and explore the discipline in further depth. Sociology is the study of how humans relate to one another on a social level. This module will deepen your understanding of the big questions that sociologists investigate such as: How do we create society? How does society affect the way we behave? To answer these questions, you will learn about various social issues, institutions, and social groups around the world from the perspectives of both macro and microsociology.

Module 4 Overview: Think Like A Psychologist

Guiding Question:What is psychology and how is it used to study and understand an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours?

In this module, you will dive into the study of psychology and explore the discipline in further depth. Psychology is the study of the human mind and how it functions. This module will deepen your understanding of the big questions that psychologists investigate such as: Why do individuals behave and think in certain ways? How does the way an individual thinks impact their behaviour? How do other individuals influence a person’s emotional and behavioural responses? To answer these questions, you will learn about various psychological theories, explore the brain, and delve into different branches of psychology, including personality, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology. 


Assessment Breakdown

Course Work, Assignments, and Proctored Tests: 70%

Culminating Independent Study Project: 10%

Final Exam: 20%

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