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Grade 12



Course Code 


About the Course

Course Outline

Students will study theory and conduct investigations in the areas of biochemistry, metabolic processes, molecular genetics, homeostasis, and population dynamics. Emphasis will be placed on the achievement of detailed knowledge and the refinement of skills needed for further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields.

Prerequisite: Biology, Grade 11, University Preparation


Module 1 Overview: Biochemistry

Guiding Question:How do biological molecules affect the normal function of a living cell?

In this module, you will first zoom in all the way down to the basic building blocks of matter: elements and compounds. From there you will see how those elements and compounds interact with each other to make biological macromolecules. Those macromolecules interact with each other to make biological structures, and biological structures work together to make a living cell, which is guarded by a special bouncer called the cell membrane.  You will also learn how a special group of proteins, the enzymes, perform all of the biochemical reactions that keep a cell functioning. It’s pretty fascinating stuff. Trust me.

Module 2 Overview: Metabolic Process

Guiding Question:How do living organisms use metabolic pathways to maintain the circle of life?

Now that you understand a little bit about chemical reactions and enzymes, in this module, you put those concepts together to look at a specific set of reactions in the cell: the metabolic pathways. This module explores the stages of cellular respiration, a pathway that breaks down food to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell, as well as the stages of photosynthesis, a pathway that uses light and ATP to produce food.

Module 3 Overview: Molecular Genetics

Guiding Question:Why might DNA be considered one of the most precious biological molecules ever?

Metabolic pathways provide a way for cells to obtain energy and building blocks for staying alive, for growing and for repair. But all of that is actually controlled by the nucleus. The nucleus houses the instructions for every protein and every process in the cell. In this module, you will learn how the cell goes from instructions to the finished product, and you will take a look at how we use that knowledge to further understand life or to perhaps improve life.

Module 4 Overview: Homeostasis

Guiding Question:If the body has to respond to an ever-changing environment, how does the body maintain a sense of normalcy?

Now that you understand a little bit about chemical reactions and enzymes, in this module, you put those concepts together to look at a specific set of reactions in the cell: the metabolic pathways.  This module explores the stages of cellular respiration, a pathway that breaks down food to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell.

Module 5 Overview: Population Dynamics

Guiding Question:How do different species, including humans, work together to ensure that we all live long and prosper?

Through adaptations passed on through evolutionary mechanisms, populations have learned to survive and thrive on planet Earth. Particular populations depend on other particular populations for their survival, demonstrating just how interconnected life really is. In this final module, we will learn how to characterize populations: their size, their growth, their interactions with other populations, their movements, and the factors that affect all of the above. In the end, we should be able to see just how important we are to each other, and that it really is our responsibility to take care of each other if we want to ensure a future for our planet and every living thing within it.


Assessment Breakdown

Course Work, Assignments, and Proctored Tests: 70%Culminating Independent Study Project: 10%Final Exam: 20%

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