Dual Diploma Program
The Apex Academy dual diploma program is for non-resident students who want to graduate with two high school diplomas, namely:
A high school diploma from their home province or country
An Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)

Flexible Study, Test & Exam Schedules
Graduating from an Apex Academy dual diploma program can help non-resident students stand out from the crowd when applying to Canadian and other universities world-wide.
Note: The dual diploma can be particularly useful for students whose first language is not English because by successfully completing OSSD university courses demonstrates a proficient level of English comprehension and writing skills.
Dual Diploma Course Selection
Students can select courses based on their:
Area of post secondary academic interest (e.g., Science/Math vs. Arts)
Current Grade level (e.g., Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12)
Level of English fluency/comprehension
Working closely with the student, Apex Academy will develop a package of compulsory and elective courses that would enable the student to successfully graduate with an OSSD.
Equivalent Course Credits
The Apex Academy principal has the authority to grant non-resident students up to 24 equivalent credits for courses they have already completed in their home school, providing the content of those courses covers the material laid out in the appropriate Ontario course curriculum. This can not only reduce the number of courses a student may need to take, but the equivalent credit can be used to satisfy pre-requisite requirements for higher level courses
Note: The course selections must include at least 2 English courses for non-English speaking students and one English course at Grade 12 for English speaking students.
Additional Graduation Requirements
In addition to the successfully completing compulsory and elective courses, students must also complete community involvement and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.
Community Involvement
Between Grades 9 and 12, students must complete a total of 40 hours of community involvement activity. Community involvement is where a student participates in volunteer activities within their community, with the activity leader formally logging the student’s time spent on the activity.
Students are free to decide how and when the community involvement requirement is completed; all the hours can be completed in one grade, or the hours can be spread over Grades 9 to 12 in any combination the student desires.
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
In order to graduate with an OSSD, each student must successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.
Note: The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test is taken at a specific time of the year. Apex Academy
will co-ordinate with students as to when and how the test is to be taken to ensure the relevant conditions of the test are met.