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Individual Courses 

At Apex Academy, we offer grade 10, 11 & 12 high-quality Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) credit courses. Many of our courses have a reccomended prerequiste, specified by the Ontario Ministry of Education to ensure that students have the necessary skills and understanding to take the course at the next level. A student may register in any course, but they will not be able to work beyond the first module until proof of successful completion of the prerequisite course has been submitted. Please note that not all courses require a prerequisite. 


Prerequisite Waivers


Students who are missing the exact prerequisites may be eligible for a prerequisite waiver. Such prerequisite waivers are generally granted to a student who may be a mature student, homeschooled, completed similar courses in another province or country, or has relevant education or life experience beyond high school. Depending upon the previous experience of the student, the principal may waive the prerequisite requirement. Please note, the principal’s decision in this regard is final.


Grade 10

See our collection of grade 10 couses avaliable, along with reccomended prerequsites 

Grade 10 Courses
Grade 10 Courses

Grade 11

See our collection of grade 11 couses avaliable, along with reccomended prerequsites 

Grade 11 Courses
Grade 11 Courses

Grade 12

See our collection of grade 12 couses avaliable, along with reccomended prerequsites 

Grade 12 Courses
Grade 12 Courses
Classroom Furnitures



Grade 9 courses including individual courses & course packages

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